Wednesday 24 December 2014

Health Is Wealth: 10 Simple Tips To Stay Healthy

We have been hearing the statement “Health is wealth” since our childhood. However, not all of us are acquainted with its literal meaning. It means that no matter how wealthy you are, if we are not healthy, there is nothing we can cherish in life. 
People are suffering from overweight, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney problems and so many other unknown problems and a lot of these problems occur because of our lifestyle. What’s the point if you can afford to go to a luxurious 5 star hotel for lunch but can’t eat there because of your health? Or you can’t enjoy a drink with your friends once in a while simply because you over did drinking during your younger days. Staying healthy therefore becomes a necessity. Even a little money is sufficient, if you have your health support your run with good times!

1. Take care of food:
Avoid unhealthy food that is high on calories. They gradually take a toll on your health leading to weight gain, heart diseases and cholesterol. Eat seasonal fruits that are rich in fibers, vitamins and proteins. But a little moderation at the beginning can ensure that you never reach the stage where you can’t have it anymore. Make it a point to eat healthy stay healthy.

2. Breakfast is a must:
Never skip breakfast, our metabolic rate decreases leading to weight gain and digestion problems. Breakfast increases concentration, helps us focus better and controls weight.

3. Balanced diet:
Incorporating proteins, minerals, iron, vitamins, calcium, carbs and fat (good fat) in your daily diet is very necessary. Fruits, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, milk, whole grain foods make a balanced diet.

4. Exercise:
Exercise is a must, workouts; aerobics, walking or jogging regulates heart rate giving you more energy to work hard through the day. Exercise early in the morning won’t make you feel lazy in the day. It improves blood circulation and releases muscle tension giving you a stronger body and mind.

5. Practice Yoga:
Yoga helps in overall mind and body development. It is a two-in-one medium to keep you healthy both mentally and physically.

6. Avoid smoking:
Smoking ruins your health, sooner or later. Cancer, lung diseases and heart problems all result because of smoking.

7. Control your drinks:
Alcohol may relax you after a hard day’s work, but it also reduces the number of white blood cells (WBC fights germs) and thereby indirectly weakens the immunity system.

8. Use less salt:
Reduce the salt intake in your diet, as it may lead to strokes and heart diseases in future.

9. Have lots of fluid:
Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water every day. It not only flushes your system but also keeps your skin good and healthy.

10. Proper sleep:
Get a minimum 8 hours sleep because it relaxes your mind and keeps you healthy.

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