Wednesday 31 December 2014

Non Invasive Cardiac Investigations: Suryadeep Hospital

Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. 
It is commonly observed that patients suffering from CHD waste substantial time before seeking medical help. In these situations ‘Time is Money’.
As time progresses the deficiency of oxygen causes irreversible damage to heart muscles.
Hence it is extremely necessary to recognise cardiac abnormalities early to provide timely medical assistance.

Monday 29 December 2014

Top ten Effective Home Remedies to Treat Intestinal Parasites - Suradeep Hospital Gurgaon

Do you always seem to get diarrhea? Do you pass more gas than a normal person would? Continuously living in a polluted environment, we tend to become victims to all such health issues. These ailments are caused primarily by intestinal parasites.

What Are Intestinal Parasites?
Intestinal parasites, also known as intestinal worms, are gastrointestinal tract parasites that usually attach themselves to the intestinal wall. There are different kinds of intestinal parasites that usually cause infections. Some of the worst kinds include pinworm, tapeworm, whipworm and roundworm.

How Do Intestinal Parasites Infect Us?
These intestinal parasites usually enter the body through food or water. They can also be transmitted through skin contact, sexual contact, mosquitoes and even air. Usually, intestinal parasites occur when you follow poor hygiene. They sometimes affect people that have weak immune systems.
Usually, intestinal parasites affect people who live in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It has been found that they affect adults and children all around the world.
There are many naturally occurring remedies for intestinal parasites. Listed here are some popular ones:

1. Coconut:
Coconut is one of the most effective remedies for flushing out intestinal worms. Coconut is a strong anti-parasitic that has been used to effectively counter the effects of intestinal worms 

2. Garlic:
Garlic is one of the most widely used spices in the world. It is also a strong anti-parasitic that helps purge all kinds of intestinal parasites. Garlic has high amounts of sulfur. Sulfur-containing amino acids usually have anti-parasitic characteristics. Garlic is also antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-bacterial and has strong antioxidant properties, which help eliminate microbes from the body.

3. Papaya:
Papaya has long been used in Ayurveda to treat intestinal worms. The papaya fruit produces latex, which is rich in papain, the main enzyme. Unripe papaya has been used widely in Ayurvedic medicine for many ailments, including intestinal worms. The latex from unripe papaya fruit is rich in the enzyme papain, a known anthelmintic that helps purge intestinal worms. Papaya seeds also contain caricin to help expel intestinal worms.

4. Pumpkin Seeds:
Pumpkin seeds have been recommended as an effective cure for intestinal worms by the University of Maryland Medical Center. Pumpkin seeds have a compound called cucurbitacin that has strong anti-parasitic properties that paralyze parasites. In this state, they can’t hold onto the intestinal walls and are flushed from the body.

5. Carom Seeds (Ajwain):
Carom seeds are another effective remedy for intestinal worms. Carom seeds are rich in thymol, which obstructs the growth of parasites in the intestine. Ayurveda claims that carom seeds mixed with jaggery help treat intestinal parasites.

6. Pomegranate Bark:
Pomegranate barks are usually something we don’t use. However, the bark, leaves and stem of the tree have many anthelmintic properties. Pomegranate bark is also rich in punicine, an alkaloid that has been found to be highly toxic to intestinal parasites, especially tapeworms.

7. Neem (Indian Lilac):
Neem, also known as Indian lilac, is one of the best natural remedies for intestinal parasites. Neem has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-parasitic characteristics that not only kill parasites, but help remove toxins that are left behind by dead parasites.

8. Carrots:
Rich in beta-carotene, carrots are quite effective for flushing intestinal worms from the body. Vitamin A has been known to dissolve parasite spores. Carrots are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc, with the latter two helping boost immunity.

9. Cloves:
Cloves have many antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic characteristics. Cloves help eliminate parasite spores and flush intestinal worms from the body. Cloves have also been found to improve your resistance to future infection.

10. Turmeric:
Turmeric is an effective remedy for intestinal parasites. Turmeric has many antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties that help flush intestinal parasites. Turmeric has also been known to help reduce bloating and other symptoms of intestinal parasites.source:- Ameya c Stylecraze on Dec29, 2014
A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon.

Fitness of Heart, Lungs Improve Memory Levels in Older Adults: Study

When your heart and lungs are functioning well, known as cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), then your memory too improves, especially among older adults, shows a study revealing newly-found relationship between the two though it is unclear about the impact on long-term memory.

In a study conducted by researchers at Boston University Medical Center showed that CRF has been directly related to enhance cognitive and executive function in older adults.

The scientists from Boston varsity compared 33 adults aged between 18 and 31 and 27 older adults aged between 55 and 82. Participants were asked to complete testing exercise to evaluate their cardiorespiratory levels and neuro-psychological testing to test their memory, planning and problem-solving abilities. They were also asked to learn face-name associations.

The results found that older adults who had higher cardiorespiratory levels or fit in the CRF performed equally well as their younger counterparts in executive functions, though on long-term memory tests, younger adults performed memory, older better.

Another outcome of the study was that the older CRF fit adults performed better than low fit older adults, giving first such results that better physical fitness level is directly associated with improved memory and executive function. Among young adults, fitness levels had no big role on their memory or executive functions.

Researchers conclude that the effect of CRF is not limited to executive function, but also helps in extending memory as people grow old.

Scott Haynes, assistant professor of psychiatry at Boston varsity, said that their findings show that keeping oneself fit in terms of cardiorespiratory fitness or CRF may stop age-related memory or cognitive function decline. To be fit in terms of CRF, he advises older adults to enhance their physical exercise aimed at heart and lungs such as walking, dancing, yoga and other forms of inexpensive exercises daily to potentially improve quality of life.
Source: - Dec 29, 2014 the study has been published in the Journal of Gerontology.  A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

Friday 26 December 2014

Will my baby not suffer from diarrhoea after Rotavirus vaccination?

Deaths due to diarrhoea 3.34 Lacs, deaths due to Pneumonia 4.08 Lacs. 

There are several cause of diarrhoea such as viruses, bacteria etc.

However Rotavirus is a commonest cause of severe dehydrating diarrhoea which can lead to hospitalization.

Vaccination against Rotavirus protects your baby against this serious type of dehydrating diarrhoea and associated hospitalization caused by Rotavirus only.

Consult your doctor about vaccination today - Starting from 6 weeks of age

A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

NH-3, Sector – 46, Near HUDA MARKET Gurgaon – 122002
Phone: - 0124-6524501-16

How do I protect my baby from Rotavirus Diarrhoea?

You can protect your baby against Rotavirus diarrhoea by an oral 

Don't forget to ask your doctor about Rotavirus vaccination. 

Consult your doctor at Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon about vaccination today.

A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

Can I not manage dehydration due to Rotavirus diarrhoea with ORS at home?

Vomiting takes place more commonly in children with Rotavirus diarrhoea making oral rehydration difficult.

This is followed by severe watery diarrhoea.

Thus babies tend to lose a lot of body fluids that need to be replaced urgently often needing hospitalization. 

I take lot of care with my baby's hygiene. Do I still need to worry about Rotavirus diarrhoea?

Yes. Rotavirus diarrhoea cannot be avoided even with improved hygiene and sanitation, because Rotavirus is a tough virus.
It can live on objects for several days. 
It is very hard to prevent Rotavirus with just hand washing and cleaning with a disinfectant.

Rotavirus Diarrhoea

Is Rotavirus Diarrhoea different from other types of diarrhoea?

Yes, Rotavirus diarrhoea is different from other types of diarrhoea.
The baby suffers from fever, vomiting and severe diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea may happen up to 20 times a day and may continue up to 9 days. 
This leads to severe dehydration which often requires hospitalization.

Rota virus

What is Rota virus?

Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting.
It affects mostly babies and young children. 
Diarrhoea and vomiting can lead to serious dehydration (loss of body fluid).
If dehydration is not treated, it can be deadly.
It infects every child below the age of 5 years all over the world. 

Pneumococcal disease

How can I protect my child from pneumococcal disease?

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is now available in more than 100 countries.

Vaccines have been successful in reducing the number of cases of pneumococcal diseases. 

A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

How does one get pneumococcal disease?

 Pneumococcal disease

Pneumonia, meningitis, bacteraemia and acute middle ear infection can all be caused by the S. Pneumoniae. 

These bacteria are carried in mouth and nose and can be passed by coughing or by touching young babies. 

What is Otitis Media?

Otitis Media

Otitis media is middle ear infection mainly caused by S. Pneumoniae and non-Typeable H. Influenzae bacteria (NTHi). 

Symptoms of middle ear infection/AOM include:
• Excessive crying
• Ear ache
• Loss of appetite
• Fever

• Deafness. 
It is a painful condition and can result into hearing loss. 

What is Bacteraemia & Sepsis?

Bacteraemia & Sepsis

The presence of bacteria in the bloodstream is called as Bacteraemia.
Bacteria can spread to other sites to cause infection. 
Prolonged bacteraemia leads to sepsis, which is life-threatening condition.
It progresses rapidly to cause multi organ failure. 

What is Meningitis?

Meningitis is the swelling of the meninges (membrane covering the brain).
Pneumococcal meningitis is the most serious form of bacterial meningitis. 

Symptoms of Meningitis include:
• Loss of appetite
• Sudden fever
• Severe headache
• Neck stiffness and neurological disturbances
It is associated with rapid and severe outcomes and can be fatal.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is infection of the lungs and can be caused by bacteria and virus. Pneumonia is the No.1 killer of children under 5 years in India.

Symptoms of Pneumonia include:
• High fever
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
• Rapid breathing
• Chest pain

Pneumonia is difficult to diagnose and may be missed. In severe cases pneumonia can lead to bacteraemia, sepsis and meningitis. 

A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon 

Pneumonia and Diarrhoea – Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

In India, every year more than 7 lac children die due to Pneumonia and Diarrhoea.

  • pneumoniae is the main cause of pneumonia in children
  • Along with pneumonia it is also responsible for meningitis, blood and ear infections
  • Prevention against pneumonia caused by S.pneumoniae is possible with vaccination

  • Rotavirus is the main cause of diarrhoea in children
  • Despite maintaining good hygiene and sanitation, it is very difficult to avoid infection due to Rotavirus
  • Prevention against Rotavirus diarrhoea is possible with vaccination

Consult your doctor at Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon about vaccination today - Starting from 6 weeks of age.

A public Awareness Initiative by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon


NH-3, Sector – 46, Near HUDA MARKET Gurgaon – 122002

Phone: – 0124-6524501-16


NH-3, Sector – 46, Near HUDA MARKET Gurgaon – 122002
Phone: - +91 -124-6524501-16

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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Health Is Wealth: 10 Simple Tips To Stay Healthy

We have been hearing the statement “Health is wealth” since our childhood. However, not all of us are acquainted with its literal meaning. It means that no matter how wealthy you are, if we are not healthy, there is nothing we can cherish in life. 
People are suffering from overweight, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney problems and so many other unknown problems and a lot of these problems occur because of our lifestyle. What’s the point if you can afford to go to a luxurious 5 star hotel for lunch but can’t eat there because of your health? Or you can’t enjoy a drink with your friends once in a while simply because you over did drinking during your younger days. Staying healthy therefore becomes a necessity. Even a little money is sufficient, if you have your health support your run with good times!

1. Take care of food:
Avoid unhealthy food that is high on calories. They gradually take a toll on your health leading to weight gain, heart diseases and cholesterol. Eat seasonal fruits that are rich in fibers, vitamins and proteins. But a little moderation at the beginning can ensure that you never reach the stage where you can’t have it anymore. Make it a point to eat healthy stay healthy.

2. Breakfast is a must:
Never skip breakfast, our metabolic rate decreases leading to weight gain and digestion problems. Breakfast increases concentration, helps us focus better and controls weight.

3. Balanced diet:
Incorporating proteins, minerals, iron, vitamins, calcium, carbs and fat (good fat) in your daily diet is very necessary. Fruits, vegetables, lean meat, poultry, milk, whole grain foods make a balanced diet.

4. Exercise:
Exercise is a must, workouts; aerobics, walking or jogging regulates heart rate giving you more energy to work hard through the day. Exercise early in the morning won’t make you feel lazy in the day. It improves blood circulation and releases muscle tension giving you a stronger body and mind.

5. Practice Yoga:
Yoga helps in overall mind and body development. It is a two-in-one medium to keep you healthy both mentally and physically.

6. Avoid smoking:
Smoking ruins your health, sooner or later. Cancer, lung diseases and heart problems all result because of smoking.

7. Control your drinks:
Alcohol may relax you after a hard day’s work, but it also reduces the number of white blood cells (WBC fights germs) and thereby indirectly weakens the immunity system.

8. Use less salt:
Reduce the salt intake in your diet, as it may lead to strokes and heart diseases in future.

9. Have lots of fluid:
Drink at least 8-9 glasses of water every day. It not only flushes your system but also keeps your skin good and healthy.

10. Proper sleep:
Get a minimum 8 hours sleep because it relaxes your mind and keeps you healthy.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Dental Health and Overall Health – Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

Healthy mouth, healthy body: The link between them may surprise you.
The condition of your mouth is closely tied to your overall health. Find out how oral health is linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more.
Taking care of your teeth isn't just about having a nice smile and pleasant breath. Recent research has found a number of links between oral health and overall health. While in many cases, the nature of this link still isn't clear — researchers have yet to conclude whether the connections are causal or correlative — what is certain is that the condition of your mouth is closely tied to your overall physical health.

Oral Health and Diabetes
Doctors have known for years that type 2 diabetics have an increased incidence of periodontitis, or gum disease. In July 2008 the connection was further highlighted: Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health followed 9,296 nondiabetic participants, measuring their level of periodontic bacteria over the course of 20 years. “they found that people who had higher levels of periodontal disease had a twofold risk of developing type 2 diabetes over that time period compared to people with low levels or no gum disease. Actually leads to diabetes, there are already a few theories about why this might be the case: One proposes that when infections in your mouth get bad enough, they can lead to low-grade inflammation throughout your body, which in turn wreaks havoc on your sugar-processing abilities. 

Oral Health and Heart Disease
As with diabetes, the connection between poor oral health and cardiovascular conditions has been recognized — the two are often found together — but it still hasn't been determined conclusively whether or not there is a direct causal relationship between them. (One reason is that there are a number of other potential risk factors — such as smoking and old age — that can lead both to gum disease and heart disease.) However, in a 2005 study funded by the NIH, 1,056 randomly selected participants with no prior heart attacks or strokes were evaluated for levels of periodontal bacteria: After removing the effects of the other risk factors of age, gender, and smoking, it was found that there was an independent relationship between gum disease and heart disease, says Moise Desvarieux, MD, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology at the Mailman School and lead author of the study. One theory about why this may occur, says Dr. Desvarieux, is that small amounts of bacteria enter your bloodstream while you're chewing. "Bad" bacteria from an infected mouth may lodge itself inside blood vessels, ultimately causing dangerous blockages. Strengthening his theory is the fact that when scientists have looked at atherosclerotic blood vessels, they have sometimes found fragments of periodontal bacteria. Meanwhile, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 established that aggressive treatment of gum disease reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis within six months.

Pregnancy Complications and Gum Disease
For many pregnant women, gum infections stem from the fluctuating hormone levels that come with pregnancy, says Marsha Rubin, DDS, practicing diplomat of special-care dentistry at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, who sees many pregnant patients in her practice. Others neglect their oral care during pregnancy, since they have much on their minds, she adds. But that's a mistake: Scientists believe that gum disease or inflammation in the mouth possibly triggers an increase in a chemical compound called prostaglandin, which induces early labor. While this theory has not yet been confirmed, a 2001 study found that pregnant women who develop gum disease between weeks 21 and 24 are four to seven times more likely to give birth before week 37. There is evidence that poor gum health in the extreme can lead to low birth weight as well. A number of studies — including a 2007 study of 3,567 Turkish women and a 2007 study of 1,305 Brazilian women — found a relationship between periodontal disease, preterm birth, and low birth weight.

Pneumonia and Gum Disease
There has been a link established between poor oral health and pneumonia, though much of the research focuses on high-risk populations. A 2008 study of elderly participants found that the number who developed pneumonia was 3.9 times higher in patients with periodontal infection than in those free from it. "The lungs are very close to the mouth," says Rubin. "Even in a healthy mouth there is lots of bacteria, but bacteria in a not-healthy mouth can get aspirated into the lungs, causing pneumonia or aggravating COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder." Several intervention studies cited by the CDC show that an improvement in oral health can lead to a reduction in respiratory infection.

Pancreatic Cancer and Gum Disease
A study published in 2007 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute surveyed 51,529 American men about their health every two years between 1986 and 2002. Of the 216 participants who developed pancreatic cancer, 67 of them also had periodontal disease. Independent of the participants' smoking status, the study found that having a history of periodontal disease was associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. This, according to the study, could be because of systemic inflammation or increased levels of carcinogenic compounds produced in the infected mouth. Interestingly, another viable theory about why gum disease may cause type 2 diabetes points to damage to the pancreas as well. "With the pancreatic cancer study, we thought it was very interesting that you have this localized infection that has an impact on a systemic organ that is very intimately tied to the pathophysiology of diabetes. Source: - By Kate Lowenstein everyday health
Daily Health News Udated by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon

Monday 22 December 2014

Most Common Dieting Mistakes You Should Be Aware.

Consider this – you are all prepared to get back to shape and have started dieting. Weeks pass by, but you see no result. How frustrating that would be, right? Maybe you are practicing dieting the wrong way? Maybe you are unaware of the incorrect ways of dieting?
Shedding kilos becomes much easier and possible if you avoid the habits listed below. So read An Article proposed by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon health experts and become slim and healthy faster than you have imagined.

1. Crash Dieting:
The most popular form of weight loss is crash dieting. If crash dieting is all what it took to get that perfect figure, all women will be healthy and fit. Crash diets usually result in a loss of muscle tissue and not fat, which does not make you any less flabby.

2. Focusing On the Scale:
Possibly the worst thing that you can do is focus on the scale. The scale only represents the number and how you look and feel has nothing to do with it. Continually focusing on the scale will not reduce your weight, and it can rather make you obsess about your weight.

3. Favouring Cardio:
One of the biggest misconceptions today is that cardio will help you get that perfect body shape. The best thing to do is focus on more effective routines that burn calories like metabolic resistance training and interval training.

4. Skipping Meals:
Skipping meals on a diet might be your own disciplinarian way of shedding kilos, but it is possibly the worst thing you can do. As your body starves for nutrients, it begins to break down muscle. Muscles induce metabolic activity and reducing muscle will inhibit the metabolism further, slowing down your body’s ability to digest food.

5. Weight-Loss Pills:
Diet pills are another common approach that women take to lose weight. There are many different categories of diet pills, but few to none of them actually work. A natural and common sense approach of losing weight would be regularly exercising and eating healthy.

6. Eating Less Food:
Diets usually involve less food. So it should be okay to eat less food, right? Well, it isn’t. Eating too little imbalances the body’s food intake and you are thrice as likely to binge on food later. The best thing to do is eat three meals and two snacks in a day. If you eat a heavy dinner, you don’t give your body enough time to burn these calories.

7. Eating Out:
If all you do is eat food cooked outside, then the chances of you being able to reduce weight are slim indeed. Food served in eateries outside contains trans fats and other harmful additives. You could consider home tossed salads or home made whole wheat  bread sandwiches.

8. Emotional Binging:
Dieting is more than a physical routine. You have to remember to control yourself and stay away from emotional hogging; our brain tends to relate certain types of food to certain moods. You must remember to steer clear of emotional binging, as it can ruin your diet.

9. Inconsistency:
One of the major reasons you cannot reduce weight is probably inconsistency. Our hectic work life hardly leaves us time to eat properly. To get the desired results, you need to be consistent.

10. Lack of Sleep:
Diets aren’t deprivations. Apart from making sure that you don’t 
starve yourself, you also need to sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is quite essential for the efficacy of any diet regime. Sometimes you may know these reasons and you may be too lazy to follow through anyway. However, next time you diet, concentrate on these aspects and you will see better results. Make sure you  avoid these common diet mistakes.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Low vitamin D levels may damage the brain – Suryadeep Hospital

Everybody know that Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining bone health, but a new study claims that deficiency of this vitamin may cause damage to the brain and other organs.
The results, published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, showed that when middle-aged rats were fed a diet low in vitamin D for several months, they developed free radical damage to the brain. They also performed less well in cognitive functioning tests for learning and memory.
The researchers say that several brain proteins were found to have significantly higher levels and that this contributes to significant nitrosative stress in the brain, possibly leading to cognitive decline.
The researchers claim that vitamin D deficiency is increasing and its effects on an aging brain should not be underestimated.
Catch some rays
Often called the "sunshine vitamin," dietary sources of vitamin D are limited, and the study notes that when times are hard, individual food intake is not always the most nutritious.
The result of this is low levels of the vitamin, particularly among the elderly population. Coupled with the widespread use of sunscreens and popularity of wearing of long-sleeved clothing in the sunshine, levels of vitamin D are declining.
Low levels of vitamin D have previously been linked to Alzheimer's disease, the development of certain cancers and heart disease.
Everyone should allow at least 10-15 minute’s sunshine every day to ensure that vitamin D levels are adequate.
Also taking supplements and eating more foods containing the vitamin, including oily fish, eggs and fortified milk.
Health News Updated by Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon. Source:- 4 Dec.2013 Medical News Today

Friday 19 December 2014

Tips for keeping your heart healthy – Suryadeep Hospital

A healthy heart is the way to healthy living, quite right but with sedentary lifestyle, munching on junk food, alcohol consumption, smoking, erratic working hours and unwanted stress ultimately leads to a troubled heart
Here are some tips for a healthy heart:
Quit smoking: Quitting smoking is the most important thing that a person can do to live longer. A smoker is more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker. The risk of heart attack reduces once you stop smoking, several studies suggest.
Less salt: Consumption of salt should be cut down as it causes high-blood pressure and increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Foods items such as chips, salted nuts, canned eatables, packet soups, sauces and ready meals should be avoided. Even breakfast cereals and bread that looks healthy, contains high level of salt.
Healthy diet: A healthy diet is very important to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. It also helps to increase the chances of survival after heart attack. One should include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, oily fish and starchy foods in their balanced diet to have a healthy heart. Foods like biscuits, cakes, pastries and dairy products to be avoided as they contain high amount of saturated fats and sugar.
Reduce alcohol: Drinking too much of alcohol is not good for health otherwise as well, and can damage the heart muscle. It also increases the blood pressure and leads to weight gain. One should limit the intake of alcohol, as binge drinking increases the risk of having an untimely sudden attack.
Stay active: One should be physically active in order to keep a healthy heart. As heart is a muscle, it needs exercise to remain fit so that it can pump blood efficiently round the body with each heartbeat. One should exercise at least for 30 minutes in a day. Staying physically fit benefits your mental health and well-being too.
Maintain weight: Being overweight can affect the health functioning, leading to the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes. If you are overweight one should maintain weight in order to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Regular check-up: One should regularly check their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A person who has a high blood pressure falls under a higher risk of having an attack. The life expectancy gets shorter if you have a high blood pressure. The high level of cholesterol in the blood leads to fatty deposits in the coronary arteries that increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
Manage stress level: Taking too much stress is not good for health, and everyone is aware of it. People who are the most stressed are more likely to have a heart attack. If you find things are getting on top of you, take a break in between and relax. Managing your high stress levels is the best way to keep your heart in healthy and thumping in the right manner.Source: - Zee News Nov. 23, 2014

Thursday 18 December 2014

Facts and myths about diabetes issue – Suryadeep Hospital Gurgaon.

According to latest statistical, over 65 million Indians suffer from different levels and types of diabetes. Known as the silent killer, this disease is phobia all the more because of the diffused myths surrounding it. Here is a list of myths and facts provide by Suryadeep Hospital’s diabetic Experts.

Myth: Bitter tasting foods will lower blood sugar.
FACT: Consuming bitter tasting items like neem and bitter gourd will not reduce blood sugar because glucose is derived from foods rich in carbohydrates.

Myth: A diabetic cannot consume any type of sweetener.
FACT: Direct sugar is usually omitted from the diet of most diabetics. However, sugar substitutes can be used in two forms; fructose sugar (fruits) and artificial sweeteners.

Myth: Diabetics cannot consume fruits.
FACT: Diabetics can consume fruits because they contain fibre and fructose sugar. Due to the fibre content of fruits, fructose is released slowly into the blood and our body can utilize fructose without insulin. However, fruit juices are not recommended because they don't contain fibre. (Fruits like banana, chikoo, mango, grapes, sugarcane and custard apple are not recommended.)

Myth: All artificial sweeteners are safe to consume.

FACT: Many artificial sweeteners contain a substance called aspartame, which is a good sweetener for cold beverages and commonly used in many food products. However, it loses its sweetness at high temperature. For example, to sweeten one cup of hot tea or coffee we need more aspartame than to sweeten one cup of normal / cold water. So exercise caution in its use. Consuming more aspartame based sweeteners may cause abnormal functioning of the brain. Opt for artificial sweeteners made of sucralose, which are safer and more stable in hot and cold conditions. Artificial sweeteners containing cyclamate are banned in most countries.

Myth: Diabetics can't consume alcoholic drinks at all.
FACT: Diabetics are advised to avoid alcohol since it may lead to a major drop in blood sugar. However, one drink of alcohol is permitted once a week depending on individual health conditions

Myth: Diabetics must refrain from eating out.
FACT: A diabetic can eat out at a restaurant, as long as the food is hygienically prepared.

Myth: Diabetics should not eat rice.
FACT: Diabetics can consume rice, but the quantity and quality always depends on the nature and degree of diabetes.

Myth: Diabetics don't need bariatric surgery
FACT: Bariatric surgery is offered to individuals with excessive weight and also those suffering from diabetes, high BP, joint pains, irregular periods, infertility, breathing problems like asthma, sleep apnoea etc. Since it is done through key hole (lap) route and is effective in majority of patients, its acceptance is increasing in society rapidly.

Myth: Diabetics need to lose weight fast.
FACT: Obesity and diabetes are two sides of the same coin. Obese people are advised to lose about two kg per month. However, sudden weight loss through crash diets is not advisable.

Source:- TOI TNN | Dec 17, 2014, 12.00 AM IST